The following elements make the game easier. You can decide which components to edit in order to influence the difficult levels of the game:

Duration: When players have more time, they're able to think better and arrive at better solutions. The correct way to increase game time is to edit the "No. of Seconds per day" option in the Game Settings. 

Offers: Increasing the number of offers will create more opportunity for players to earn cronos in the game. You can influence this by reducing the "Gap between offers". Be careful to not reduce it too much as it can be disruptive to play and flow if there are too many offers. We recommend no less than 3. 

Cost of Movilennium: Reducing the cost of Movilennium makes it more accessible for the players and facilitates them buying instead of mining them. 

Disasters: You can also reduce the number of disasters down to 1 in order to make the game easier. Please note: you must have at least one disaster in the game.